Veterans Day Hero WOD
Presented by The Step Up Foundation | Rogue | GORUCK | CrossFit
Veteran Suicide Prevention
Sara Wilkinson, Rogue, CrossFit, and GORUCK present the hero workout “CHAD” in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson who took his life on October 29, 2018, due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast wave injuries, and PTSD. Our goal is to honor Chad’s life and legacy and to raise awareness for suicide prevention
CHAD1000X has brought together thousands of registered participants, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars raised since 2020, looking to be a part of something greater than themselves. To not only bring awareness to the epidemic of suicide, particularly among veterans but also to help be part of the solution through the support of The Step Up Foundation and other veteran health initiatives.
This year, join us again in paying respect to Chad Wilkinson and all those who have been lost to suicide, while also committing to try to change the number. #CHAD1000X
Veteran Mental Health
All proceeds of the CHAD 1000X fundraiser will go to support Veteran Mental Health Initiatives through The Step Up Foundation which, in conjunction with Sara Wilkinson, will provide financial support to other nonprofits dedicated to Veteran Mental Health Initiatives.

CHAD 1000X
The Workout
1,000 box step-ups completed as a team, partner or individual for time.
1. Slick/Beginner // No rucksack. You pick the height of the step-ups.
2. Standard/Intermediate // 30#/20# rucksack. You pick the height of the step-ups.
3. Expert // 45# rucksack. Use 20″ box for step-ups.
“Even while serving as a SEAL, Chad took time to scale up to the Expert version. There is zero shame in starting Slick, or with Standard weight, or in sharing the steps with a friend.”
-Sara Wilkinson
Are You?
Listen to Sara Wilkinson & Jason McCarthy on the Jocko Podcast.
Episode 296: When You’re There, You’re There. When You’re Home, You’re Home.

From Sara Wilkinson,
Gold Star Spouse:
“My husband, Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson, served honorably for 21 years. When Chad took his life he had everything to live for: myself and our children, extended family, his fellow brothers, and our community.
This is a silent disease where symptoms, triggers, and warnings are often recognized too late. Chad is not alone, this is a silent epidemic with the enemy sneaking quietly into our homes and it has to stop. We want to use Chad’s life and legacy to raise awareness for suicide prevention. Our hope is to remove mental health stigmas, and encourage people to reach out, one step at a time, no matter who you are.
Our goal is to honor Chad and all Veterans currently struggling this and every Veterans Day moving forward. I hope you’ll join me and our community in doing the Hero WOD named after my husband Chad, supporting Veteran Mental Health Initiatives.”

Suicide Awareness
The Veterans Day “CHAD” Hero WOD goes beyond the Veteran, CrossFit, and GORUCK communities – is is for everyone. Chad was the oldest of four siblings and a born overachiever. He was good at everything, but couldn’t reach out for help even to those of us who would do anything for him.
There are a lot of people who are struggling, too many lives are lost. Many more we can prevent. We believe that physical health leads to mental health and everybody needs somebody. So use “CHAD” as inspiration. Say his name, honor his story, and live big by sharing your time with friends and those you love. Tomorrow is never promised.